CrossFit Open 2021: Are You In?

It’s that time of year again. That’s right. It’s CrossFit Open Season! For experienced Crossfitters, you all know what we mean here. However, for the majority of people, you may be asking yourself, what is the CrossFit Open, and more importantly, why should we ALL participate in it?

During non-COVID years, the CrossFit Open is a global competition spanning across 5 weeks with a total of 5 workouts. This year it’s modified to be 3 weeks and 3 workouts. It’s a time to see how all your hard work stacks up against your fellow gym-mates and people from other CrossFit affiliates. Each week we are given a workout to do both RX and Scaled from CrossFit HQ in which ALL CrossFit affiliates will do no matter where they are in the world. That’s what the CrossFit open is but for most of us the better question is, why should I participate?

“I don’t care about my scores. I don’t want to pay $20 to CrossFit HQ. I’m just doing this stuff for fun and really don’t pay attention to the competitive part of it all”. The list goes on and on. There are always excuses and ways of telling yourself to NOT do something but let’s focus on the WHY? Whether you joined Boulder CrossFit last week or have been a member for years, there is some part of this for you all! The Open is about celebrating your individual fitness journey. There’s nothing like friendly competition to bring out our best selves. It may be celebrating your first muscle-up or even unassisted pullup. It may be surprising yourself with a new PR (personal record) on a lift you’ve been working on the past year. Or it may be just honoring the fact of showing up and giving it your all. The Open is for everyone.

This year, your $20 donation fee will go towards Boulder CrossFit’s very own in house competition, and half of that fee will be given to A non-profit that brings fitness to underrepresented youth cross the nation. This means your money will be going directly towards a good cause (not given to CrossFit HQ). The other half off your donation will go towards the prize pot of whichever team wins in the gym. See email for more info.

Thats it. Lets have some fun, don’t worry so much about the logistics of the workouts and just give it our all for 3 workouts. You can register for the Open by signing up in the gym. See you all soon!