What is the CrossFit Open?
Click here for more information. The Open is essentially a worldwide competition where, for 3 weeks, all CrossFit gyms around the world do the exact same workout programmed by CrossFit HQ. On another level it’s a time to celebrate all wins no matter how small or big. It’s a time to come together as a gym and push your teammates to new levels. It’s a time to embrace the fun and competitiveness within us all. And it’s a time to push yourself outside your comfort zone.
When is the CrossFit Open and when will Boulder CrossFit do the workouts?
Each Thursday night for 3 weeks CrossFit HQ releases the workout starting February 24th then March 3rd and finally ending on March 10th. As a gym ALL classes will do the workout the following day on Friday whether you are officially signed up or not.
Why should I sign up?
Every year we hear the same excuses on why people don’t officially sign up. We hear things like , “I don’t care about my scores. I’m hurt or I don’t care about competitions”. Or, “I’m intimidated by the workouts and can’t do most of the movements as prescribed so what’s the point”? Here’s the point. You will never grow as a person inside or outside of the gym unless you push all those doubts and questions aside and get outside your comfort zone. At the end of the competition you will feel better about yourself when you see how much your hard work has paid off all the whole doing it with your fellow teammates.
How is Boulder CrossFit running the competition?
Similar to last year, we will put each registered person onto a team with a team captain. There will be a random drawing a week before the comp to pick the teams. Each week as an individual and team you can earn points for various things like top score, attendance, and any PRs. If you are registered, you will get a judge for each workout who will keep track of your score that week. If you can’t do the workout on Friday we will have makeups during the following time slots. Please communicate with your team captions and Zach for any make ups.
Saturday anytime before 12pm.
Monday anytime between 9:30-11:30am
I’m convinced. How can I sign up?
The cost of this event is $20/person (paid to Boulder CrossFit through Wodify). Part of your fee will go towards one of our favorite non-profits, Forging Youth Resilience. You can sign up by putting your name on the whiteboard at the gym no later than Friday, Feb 18th. If you care about inputting your scores to see what your friends got at other CrossFit gyms then you can also register through CrossFit HQ. However this not a requirement to enter our in house competition. The team with the most accumulated points at the end of the 3 weeks will be the winner and will get custom 2022 Boulder CrossFit Open Champs t-shirts.
We’re looking forward to this 3-week competition. Thanks!
-Zach T.