CrossFit – Sat, Feb 1

Boulder CrossFit – CrossFit

“Wartortle” (No Measure)

In Teams of 3: Rotating Stations

5 Sets:

1:00 @ Each Station

Station 1: Max Bench Press 135/85lb, 60/40kg

Station 2: Max Deadlift 225/155lb, 102/70kg

Station 3: Max Calorie Bike

Station 4: Rest

Main Working Time: 20:00 (1:00 per station x 5 sets)

Primary Objective: Each athlete maintains consistent reps/calories across all sets.

Secondary Objective: Focus on proper form and safe execution under fatigue.

Finisher (No Measure)

3 Sets: For Quality

10-12 Dumbbell Chest Flys

10-12 Dumbbell Hex Press

10-12 Ring Hamstring Curls