CrossFit – Thu, Dec 12

Boulder CrossFit – CrossFit

Bench Press

Every 3:30 x 4 Sets

10 Bench Press @ 55-60%

12 Deadlifts @ 50-55%

% of 1RM Bench and % of 1RM Deadlift

Looking for consistent loads across all 4 sets for both the Bench Press and Deadlifts. We will be using 2 bars for this superset with one in the rack and one out on the floor.


Every 3:30 x 4 Sets

10 Bench Press @ 55-60%

12 Deadlifts @ 50-55%

% of 1RM Bench and % of 1RM Deadlift

Looking for consistent loads across all 4 sets for both the Bench Press and Deadlifts. We will be using 2 bars for this superset with one in the rack and one out on the floor.

“Shadowlands” (AMRAP – Reps)

For Reps:

8:00 AMRAP


Burpee Pull-Ups

Shoulder to Overhead

Barbell: 135/95lbs, 95/65lb

For scoring purposes:

Finishing 15 – 90 Reps

Finishing 18 – 126 Reps

Finishing 21 – 168 Reps

Finishing 24 – 216 Reps
Goal: 100-140 Reps

Stimulus: Muscular Endurance and Stamina

Optional Accessory (No Measure)

Part A:

5 Sets

:30 Dead Hang

6 Dual Dumbbell Staggered Stance RDL, Right

:30 Dead Hang

6 Dual Dumbbell Staggered Stance RDL, Left


Part B:

5:00 Tabata (:20 On/:10 Off)

Station 1 – Dual Dumbbell Hammer Curls, Moderate

Station 2 – Dual Dumbbell Tricep Kickbacks , Moderate

For Part A, add load to the hangs today since they are on the shorter side. A medball between the legs is recommended. Maintain a 3 second negative on each RDL and use a moderate load.