CrossFit – Thu, Dec 22

Boulder CrossFit – CrossFit

Snatch Balance

Active Recovery (No Measure)

SKILL: Snatch Balance (off the rack)

15ish min progressions Check VIDEO

Work up in weight or stick to one weight the whole time

WOD: “Active Recovery”

Death By x3…

Do 3 reps the 1st minute then rest, 6 reps the 2nd min then rest, 9 reps the 3rd min then rest… continue to add 3 reps until you cannot finish those reps within the given minute

Cal Row

Double DB Devil Press 50/35

Overhead Squat 115/85/65

*25 min running clock. Members can pick their movement, Do all 3 or just 1 or 2 depending on time. Make sure you rest at least 2-3 mins between deathb bys….