CrossFit – Thu, Nov 14

Boulder CrossFit – CrossFit

“Boss DJ” (Time)

For Time:

30 Deadlifts

20 Handstand Push-Ups

100 Double Unders

25 Deadlifts

25 Handstand Push-Ups

100 Double Unders

20 Deadlifts

30 Handstand Push-Ups

100 Double Unders

Load: 225/155lb, 155/105lb

Goal Time Domain: 15:00-20:00

Time Cap: 25:00

Primary Objective: Maintain Sets of 5+ Reps per set on Deadlifts and Handstand Push-Ups

Optional Accessory (No Measure)

For Quality:

Part A

5 Sets

10 Chest Supported Dumbbell Rows , Heavy

5/5 Stagger Stance Kettlebell RDL , Heavy

*Perform the RDLs with a 2s negative each rep.

Part B

Accumulate a 5:00 Dead Hang from Pull-Up Bar