CrossFit – Thu, Oct 17

Boulder CrossFit – CrossFit

Back Squat (Every 3:00 x 4 Sets
5 Reps @ 75%
5 Reps @ 80%
5 Reps @ 80%
5 Reps @ 85%

% Based on 1RM Back Squat. Each set here should be a challenging working set with the focus on finishing on a heavy 5 for the day.

“I’ll Be Back” (Calories)

10:00 AMRAP

Row for Calories

On the 2:00, Starting @ 0:00

10 Chest to Bar Pull-Ups

8 Front Rack Reverse Lunge

Barbell: 135/95lb, 95/65lb

Barbell suggested loading @ 40% of Front Squat

Goal: 150/120 Calories

Primary Objective: Complete each set of Chest to Bar Pull-Ups in 2 sets

Secondary Objective: Get to the rower with more than 1:00 remaining

“Optional Accessory” (No Measure)

For Quality

4 Sets

8-10 Feet Elevated Ring Rows

8-10 Deficit Parallette Push-Ups

8/8 Half Kneeling KB Chop and Lift