CrossFit – Thu, Oct 3

Boulder CrossFit – CrossFit

Squat Snatch (10:00 EMOM
1 Snatch Pull + 1 Squat Snatch

Perform @ 70%+ of 1RM Snatch

We are keeping this simple today with the focus on a great Snatch Pull, keeping the barbell close and then moving into the Squat Snatch focusing on aggressive extension and a fast turnover underneath the barbell.

“Achilles Heel” (Time)

10 Rounds for Time

3 Squat Snatch

10 Wall Balls

Barbell 135/95lb, 95/65lb

Wall Ball: 20/14lb, 10/9ft

Goal Time Domain: 7:00-11:00

Time Cap: 15:00

Primary Objective: Each round in sub 1:00

Secondary Objective: Consistent pacing across all rounds

“Optional Accessory” (No Measure)

3-4 Sets, For Quality

100ft (30m) Reverse Sled Drag

15/15 Banded Terminal Knee Extensions

30 second Weighted Wall Sit