CrossFit – Tue, May 2

Boulder CrossFit – CrossFit

Pull,Push,Pull (Time)

WOD: “Pull, Push, Pull”

25 min running clock for part 1 and part 2

Part 1: For time:

3-6-9-12-15 reps of

Hang Power Cleans 155/105/95

*15 pushups after each round (75 total reps)

*10 Pullups after each rounds (50 total reps)

Part 2: For Reps (pick only 1 of these 3 movements. NOT all 3)

2:00mins of max…


Bar Muscle Ups

Rope Climbs

*rest as needed b/w part 1 and 2. The 2:00 min clock starts when youre ready but must be done within the 25 min running clock

*Cashout (coach choice-time permitting)

Toes-To-Bar (2 min max reps )

Rope Climb

2 min max reps

Bar Muscle-ups

2 min max reps