Boulder CrossFit – CrossFit
Power Clean (Every 2:00 x 5 Sets
5 Tng Power Clean
Load: @ 65%+ of 1RM Power Clean
Building to a Heavy for the Day
“Hunting Trip” (Time)
3 Rounds For Time
60 Double Unders
15 Deadlifts
12 Hang Power Cleans
9 Shoulder to Overhead
Barbell Load: 135/95lb, 95/65lb
Goal Time Domain: 6-9 minutes
Time Cap: 10 minutes
Finisher (No Measure)
5 Sets: For Quality
45 Seconds – Barbell Hip Thrusts, Moderate
-:15 rest-
45 Seconds – Foam Roller Hamstring Curls
-:45 rest-