CrossFit – Wed, Oct 23

Boulder CrossFit – CrossFit

Push Press (Every 2:00 x 5 Sets
7 Reps @ 70%

% Based on 1RM Push Press.

If the first 2 sets feel good, you may bump percentages slightly for the last 3 sets.

Record Working Weight

“Loki” (Time)

3 Rounds for Time

30/20 Push-Ups

25 American Kettlebell Swings

Load: 53/35lb

Goal Time Domain: 4:00-7:00

Time Cap: 10:00

Primary Objective: Complete the American Kettlebell Swings in 2 sets or less

Secondary Objective: Complete each set of Push-Ups in as close to 1:00 as possible

“Optional Accessory” (No Measure)

For Quality:

5 Sets

15 Banded Tricep Extensions

10 Chest Supported Dumbbell Rows , Moderate

5/5 Stagger Stance Kettlebell RDL , Moderate

Perform the RDLs with a 2s negative each rep.