Hi Everyone,
Here we are. Can you believe it? One month left of 2020. Please take some time to read our exciting news for the month!
New Open Gym Time Slots:

In order for us to accommodate everyone’s schedules and do it in a safe way, we have decided to run “open gym” hours for you all. Reservations are still required. The only difference is that these are NOT coach-led classes. You can come in and do your own thing or do the workout of the day. Here are the new time slots effective Wed. Dec 3rd. Unfortunately, we will not be offering anymore open gym slots that coincide with our regular class times which means our pm open gym slot will no longer be available.
Mondays 10:45-11:45am
Tuesdays 10:45-11:45am
Wednsdays 8:30-9:30am
Thursdays 10:45-11:45am
Fridays 8:30-9:30am
Sundays 9:30-10:45am
December Holiday Schedule:
Please note the following changes to our schedule for the upcoming holidays.
Dec 23rd- Normal except no 6:15pm class
Dec 24th- 9am and 10:15am class only
Dec 25th- CLOSED
Dec 31st- 9am and 10:15am class only
Jan 1st- CLOSED
December Athlete of the month Is:

Vinay! He’s been a member with us for about 10 months and is a regular at our 6:15 pm class. Originally from India, Vinay came here 5 years ago and graduated with a master’s degree from CU in telecommunications engineering. He’s a wireless engineer for Spectralink. He hates burpees (who doesn’t) but loves power cleans. Congrats Vinay. Your dedication and patience towards learning and improving is awesome!
December Gym Christmas Party:
Unfortunately, our annual gym-wide Christmas party will have to be canceled this year due to COVID. As much as we want to hang out with you all outside of classes, it’s just not safe for us to gather in large groups inside at this time. Fingers crossed we can all do something extra special this time next year!
Important updates on COVID:

Just a friendly reminder of what we have and will continue to be doing to keep our gym open and a safe/COVID free environment.
1: We are allowed to stay open at 10% max capacity which means 9 people for us. All of our classes are capped at 8 people plus a coach (this includes our Saturday class and open gym hours).
2: Class reservations are REQUIRED. This helps us track who has been in our gym and when. If you are NOT signed up for a class and it is at max capacity we will, unfortunately, be forced to turn you away. Also, please remember to cancel your reservation if you cannot make a class as you will be taking a spot up from someone else.
3: Facemasks are REQUIRED anytime you come into the gym. We suggest investing in your own reusable one as opposed to our daily throw away ones.
4: At least 6 feet of distance is required between you and other members at ALL times.
5: Members must disinfect all their equipment/floor area after use.
6: The garage gym door will always be opened and the ceiling fan will always be on during class times. Yes, it will be cold, windy and rainy but airflow is key. We will blast our heater but the doors need to remain open and the fan on. Bring a sweater during these next 3-4 cold months.
Welcome New Members and Happy Birthday December Members:

Please help us in welcoming some new faces to the gym this month. If you don’t recognize someone in your next class, be sure to introduce yourself. Welcome, Mak, Leigh, Anton, Gloria, Linda, Frances and Josh. Happy Birthday to Dane, Dianella, John, Adam, Arun, Cora, Ben, and Kent!
Thank you all for sticking with us through this roller-coaster of a year. Boulder CrossFit would not be opened if it weren’t for the continued support from current and past members. Here’s to a fresh 2021 for us all!
Zach T.