Hi Everyone,
We’re super excited for a fun upcoming summer with you all. Please take a few minutes to read our news and events for the month.
Monday, July 4th: Independence Day WOD 9am

Please note we will have our regular Saturday, 9am class on July 2nd, be CLOSED on Sunday, July 3rd, and open for only a 9am class on July 4th. Friends and Family are welcome FREE of charge. Please see below for workout details. If no one has plans for the 4th of July, Hanna Schiess, has generously offered to host a BBQ at her house after. Please join our Facebook page for more details. Reach out to Hanna directly if you plan on attending.
HeroWOD: “Hotshots 19”
6 Rounds For Time:
30 Air Squats
19 Power Cleans 135/95
7 Strict Pullups
400m run
*Goal is sub 40 mins. Dedicated to the 19 firefighters who lost their lives on June 20th, 2013 fighting a fire in Arizona.
July 11th-July 19th: Retest Benchmark “Girl” WODS
Each quarter we test out the following benchmark “Girl WODS” from CrossFit HQ. This quarter we have decided to spread it across 2 weeks as we know doing 5 in a row can be super challenging. See below for a breakdown of the schedule. Monday, July 11th-“Fran”, Wednesday, July 13th- “Grettal”, Friday, July 15th “Nancy”, Monday, July 19th, “Cindy”, and Wednesday, July 21st “Kelley”.
Saturday, July 9th, 9am-10:30am: “Baby on Bored WOD”

Jules and I are expecting our first little one in a few months so we will be doing a fun workout around the baby. Please come with an open attitude as there may be some waiting around as we fully expect everyone to workout pregnant (hint, hint).
Saturday, July 16th: Annual Red Rocks Workout AND Optional Brunch After

We are excited to run our annual Red Rocks Workout! Let’s meet in the parking lot at Red Rocks at 9am for a fun outdoor team workout. If anyone needs a ride please let us know and we can coordinate a few cars to leave from the gym. After the workout, we can all plan to go out to Brunch in Boulder depending on the size of our group. Please note, that there will be no regular class at the gym this Saturday. Friends/Family welcome FREE of charge:)
July 2022 Athlete of the Month:

Congrats, Hanna!
Other Miscellanous Annoucements:
We will be celebrating our 10-year anniversary as a gym this Fall. Please save the date for Saturday, September 10th, 10-11:30am with food, drinks, and prizes to follow. More details to come!
Calling all BCF Ladies. It’s that time of year to start thinking about the annual “Girls Gone RX” competition on Sept 17th. This is a super fun 3 person all ladies team. Find out more info here. We will post up a signup sheet at the gym soon but start getting your teammates together.
We had about a dozen of us in the gym who just finished up our 30-day nutrition challenge. Congrats to everyone who participated and went 100% for the full 30 days. We will give special shoutouts on our social media pages soon but our overall winner was Linda! We will definably be running another one after the holidays. A special thanks goes out to our in-house nutritionist, Ani who helped make the past 30 days tolerable. Just a reminder, if you ever need a quick 20-30 minute check-in on your nutrition, reach out to me today for a free consult.
Each new quarter of the year, we keep track of the total attended classes for each of you in Wodfiy. This quarter the overall winner is Linda with a total accumulated class of.. Special shoutout to the runner-up with . Linda, please see me get your prize. Keep showing up to classes everyone!
Yoga with Monique is set for Saturday, July 2nd at 10:15am. Please register on Wodify. Free for members ($10 drop-in fee for others).
Happy Birthday July Members: Austin, Sean, Nicholas, Slava, Bri, and Chris W.Welcome New Members to BCF: Will, Ryan, Taylor, Nicholas, and Cornelio.
That’s it for this month. You all rock!
-Zach T.