Boulder CrossFit – CrossFit
Metcon (AMRAP – Reps)
WOD: “Snatch it”
0:00-6:00 min
50 Double Unders (scaled is 90 singles)
800m Run
*max Power Snatches with time remaining 95/65/55
6:00-8:00 min REST
100 Double Unders (125 singles scaled)
400m Run
*max power snatches with time remaining 135/95/65
14:00-16:00 min REST
16:00-30:00 min
150 Double Unders (200 singles scaled)
200m run
*find a heavy snatch can be power or squat in the time left over
* 2 scores
*score 1 is total REPS on snatches
*score 2 is your 1rep max snatch