Hi Members!
As we roll into the later months of the Summer, we have some exciting stuff in the works for everyone at BCF. Read below for all events.
Recap of our July 24 Hr Upside Down Challenge:
We may have been a little too aggressive with our goal of 24 hours of being upside down as a gym for the month of July. We did, however, accumulate about 6 hours and 57 mins. Our top 3 times for being upside go to… Dylan in first place with a time of 2 hours 37 mins. Second place goes to Josh with a time of 2 hours and 10 minutes. And third place goes to Denise with a time of 41 mins and 30 secs.

Saturday, August 8th 9am Track Workout and Brunch:
Its time to get out of the gym and meet at Centennial Middle School Track for a fun outdoor workout! We will not be holding a class at the gym this morning so please make sure you meet at 9am at the track. We will be testing our 1-mile run and then of course do a fun Crossfit bodyweight WOD right after. If we have a small enough group, and people feel comfortable, we can also go out to brunch in Boulder as well!

Black Health Matters- T-shirts on Sale Aug 1st-Aug 14th
You can now put in an order for a Black Health Matters t-shirt through BCF. 100% of proceeds will go towards the reopening of Crossfit HCS in Flint, Michigan. Just let us know your size and how many before Aug. 14th. The cost is $25/shirt. As we announced earlier this summer, we are looking into how BCF can best support social and racial justice causes, and our local community. This is just the beginning; more to come!

Boulder Crossfit New Swag Is Coming:
I know we’ve been in need of some new swag for some time now. We’re getting some designs ready to go for a September order so stay tuned for more updates.
Happy Birthday August BCF Members/Welcome New Members:
We’d like to wish a very happy birthday to our members born in August! HBD to Brittany and Andrea. Please also help us in welcoming several new members to Boulder Crossfit in the month of July. Welcome, Kaytee, Presely, Dianela, and Marissa. Next time you see them in one of your classes be sure to introduce yourself.
Note On Cleaning:
We now have individual cases with a spray bottle and towel in each. This will help us avoid gathering in front of the gym and waiting to clean all the equipment/gear during class. Please make sure you keep the box in your workout area even if you go outside to workout. Also, be sure to NOT directly spray down the rower and bike screens. This can break the LED screen if liquid gets inside. You can put a small amount on your towel and then wipe from there.

See you in the gym soon.