Boulder CrossFit – CrossFit
Squat Clean (20 min running clock:
Squat Clean
1×3 (70%)
1×2 (75%)
3×2 (80%) *Based off 1RM Clean & Jerk. Short Rest b/t P1 & P2-
2.) Clean Pulls
**3×3 (90%) *Based off 1RM Clean & Jerk.)
WOD (Time)
3 Reps of Barbell Complex (135/95/65)
60 Double Unders
2 Reps of Barbell Complex
40 Double Unders
1 Rep of Barbell Complex
20 Double Unders
-Rest 2:00 b/t Sets-
*1 Rep of Barbell Complex:
1 Deadlift +
1 Hang Squat Clean +
1 Squat Clean
*20 min cap
*Complex needs to be done unbroken