CrossFit – Wed, Oct 16

Boulder CrossFit – CrossFit

“Get to the Chopper” (Time)

3 Rounds for Time

800m Run

30 American Kettlebell Swings

30-20-10 Burpee Box Jumps

Kettlebell: 53/35lb, 24/16kg

Box: 24/20”

Goal Time Domain: 20:00-30:00

Time Cap: 35:00

Primary Objective: Complete the workout in under or as close to 30 minutes as possible.

Secondary Objective: Maintain a pace on the Burpee Box Jumps that stays consistent from rounds 1-3 with the added goal of finishing fast.

“Optional Accessory” (No Measure)

For Quality

5 Sets

100ft (30m) Sandbag Carry, For Load

100ft (30m) Farmers Carry, For Load

30 second Weighted Wall Sit