We’re here! January 2022. A symbolic day/month for people to proclaim their New Years Resolutions. A fresh start. A new outlook. And the start of a better version of yourself. The problem is, I haven’t made a new years resolution…ever! And heres why.
I have no problem with resolutions. The problem lies in how we frame them. More often than not, I’ve seen countless people make unrealistic resolutions only to break them by mid-February. Don’t get me wrong, goals are great. We all need and should have them to continue to grow both personally and professionally. But the story often goes something like this. “I want to become a happier, healthier version of myself. To do that I’m going to workout 7 days a week at 6am, eat no carbs, cut out all alcohol and get 8-9 hours a sleep a night”. Sounds great on paper but in practice this isn’t sustainable in the long term for most of us. Why not reframe our goals for something more attainable that fits our lifestyle? Let’s rework the story to be this. “I want to become a happier, healthier version of myself. To do that I’m going workout 4-5 times a week at a consistent time that allows me to feel well rested and recovered for the next day. I’m going to cut back my drinking and carb intake to 1x a week in moderation”. This sounds like something we can do for the long term, right?
If the goal is to ultimately become a happier, healthier version of ourselves both mentally and physically, (which it is for a lot people who come into Boulder CrossFit), why not set ourselves up for success? The worst thing we can do, is proclaim some unattainable new years resolution on January 1st just to go back to our old habits come Spring. Trust me, I want us all to hit our goals this year both inside and out of the gym. Theres nothing wrong with having huge aspirations and big goals but we need to reframe how we are going to achieve them in the long run. Rome wasn’t built in a day. Trust and enjoy the process. If we can all consistently do the small things day in and day out, our bodies and minds will thank us this time next year!