Ten Ten

Front Squat
10 min EMOM (7 min to warmup)
1 at 80% of 1rm

For Time [15 Minute Time Cap]:

10 Front Squats + 1 HR Pushup

9 Front Squats + 2 HR Pushups

8 Front Squats + 3 HR Pushups

7 Front Squats + 4 HR Pushups

6 Front Squats + 5 HR Pushup

5 Front Squats + 6 HR Pushup

4 Front Squats + 7 HR Pushup

3 Front Squats + 8 HR Pushup

2 Front Squats + 9 HR Pushup

1 Front Squat + 10 HR Pushup

Barbell: (95/65)

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