Boulder CrossFit – CrossFit Back Squat (Every 2:00 x 5 Sets 5 Back Squats Set 1: @ 70% Set 2: @ 75% Set 3: @ 75% Set 4: @ 80% Set 5: @ 80%) The focus here will be to progress loads from the weights we did in week 1. We should still be able...Read More
Boulder CrossFit – CrossFit Weight Lifting / Technique Focus (Weight) Every 2:00 x 5 Sets 1 Tall Power Snatch 2 Snatch Grip Push Press 3 Hang Power Snatch *Priming the system and focusing on form. Starting with a light load and progressing if you can maintain tension and create a strong fast turnover in the...Read More
Boulder CrossFit – CrossFit Snatch Balance (Every 90 seconds, for 4:30 (3 sets): Snatch Balance x 2 reps @ 70% Box Jumps + Land in Full Squat on Box x 3 reps Building in weight, but don’t go heavier than you can comfortably and safely bring back down to your back rack.)Read More
Boulder CrossFit – CrossFit Bench Press Every 3:30 x 4 Sets 10 Bench Press @ 55-60% 12 Deadlifts @ 50-55% % of 1RM Bench and % of 1RM Deadlift Looking for consistent loads across all 4 sets for both the Bench Press and Deadlifts. We will be using 2 bars for this superset with one...Read More
Boulder CrossFit – CrossFit Mount Mumandad” (No Measure) 40:00 EMOM min 1: 13/10 Calorie Echo min 2: 3 Wall Walks min 3: 16 Alternating Hang Dumbbell Snatch min 4: 13/10 Calorie Ski- Sub Row min 5: 16 GHD Sit-Ups Dumbbell: 50/35lb, 30/20lb Primary Objective: Complete each movement within the 45 sec mark for each minute...Read More
Boulder CrossFit – CrossFit Back Squat Every 2:30 x 4 Sets Set 1: 10 @ 55% Set 2: 10 @ 60% Set 3: 10 @ 65% Set 4: 8 @ 65%+ % of 1RM Back Squat Stimulus: Muscular Endurance / Hypertrophy / Volume Building “Fruitbat” (Time) For Time 10 Rounds 3 Bar Muscle Ups 5...Read More