CrossFit – Wed, Aug 2

Boulder CrossFit – CrossFit

Split Jerk (Strength:
Split Jerks 20 min running clock
3×2 at 80-90% of 1rm clean/jerk

WOD (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)


100m Run

5 Shoulder to Overhead (185/135)

200m Run

10 Shoulder To Overhead (155/105)

400m Run

15 Shoulder To Overhead (135/95)

600m Run

20 Shoulder To Overhead (95/65)

800m Run

25 Shoulder to Overhead (65/45)

*If an athlete completes the final round of 800m Run + 25 Shoulder to Overhead, they begin back at the top. The BB weight will stay at the final weight of (65/45).

(Score is Total Rounds + Reps)