Boulder CrossFit – CrossFit COACHES CHOICE!!! (No Measure) Just Show Up!!!
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Boulder CrossFit – CrossFit Handstand Walk For Distance (Distance) For Distance 5 Sets :30 second Max Distance 1:30 Rest Scaling: Level 2: Wall Facing Shoulder Taps Level 1: Box Pike Handstand Hold “Enchiridion” (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps) 12:00 AMRAP 10 American Kettlebell Swings 8 Box Jumps 2 Wall Walk ‘Complex’ *You will perform 2 strict handstand push ups at the top of each wall walk. Kettlebell: 53/35lb, 44/26lb Box: 30/24’’ Score = Rounds + Reps Goal: 5-7 Rounds “Optional Accessory” (No Measure) 4 Sets, For Quality 8/8 Landmine Rotational Press 15-20 Banded Face Pulls
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Boulder CrossFit – CrossFit COACHES CHOICE! (No Measure) Just Show Up!!!
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Boulder CrossFit – CrossFit Snatch 10:00 EMOM 2 Snatches @ 70-80% of 1RM **These are ideally a Squat Snatch today, however can be power for those with a higher max in the Power Snatch than the Squat Snatch ** We can scale to 3-5 Hang Power Snatch on the minute today for athletes that are generally newer to the olympic lifts in order to develop better positions and more consistency in the lifts. “Angry Beavers” (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps) For Reps: 11:00 AMRAP 4-5-6-7… Bar Muscle Ups 11 Power Snatch 95/65lb, 75/55lb 44 Double Unders Stimulus: Grip Density / High Skill Gymnastics Primary Objective: Complete 4+ Rounds “Optional Accessory” (No Measure) Midline Focus For Completion: 4 Rounds, :45 Per Station/:15 Rest Between (16:00 Clock) Station 1 – Max V-Ups Station 2 – Max Alternating SIngle Leg Deadlifts with Dual Kettlebells , Light Load Station 3 – Max Alternating Single...
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Boulder CrossFit – CrossFit COACHES CHOICE!! (No Measure) Just Show Up!!!!
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