Boulder CrossFit – CrossFit Snatch (Snatch Complex Every 2:00 minutes, 6 sets, complete the following: 1 Snatch + 1 Hang Snatch + 2 Overhead Squats Start @ 70% of 1RM and increase to a “Heavy” for the Day) Overhead Squat (Snatch Complex Every 2:00 minutes, 6 sets, complete the following: 1 Snatch + 1 Hang Snatch + 2 Overhead Squats Start @ 70% of 1RM and increase to a “Heavy” for the Day) Cycle Bar (Time) Every 2:15 minutes, 6 Sets 6 Power Snatch 8 Toe to Bar 10 Back Squats Load: 95/65lb 75/55 Primary Objective: Compete each set in under 1:45 minutes
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Boulder CrossFit – CrossFit OPEN 24.3 (No Measure) WILL BE POSTED 8PM THE NIGHT BEFORE
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Boulder CrossFit – CrossFit Push Jerk (12-10-8* Push Jerks Start Light and build to Moderate. This is a deload week in the Strength Cycle. (Score is Weight) Week 4 of 5 Strength | Wave-Loading Cycl) WOD (Time) 4 SETS* 2-4-6 Push Jerk (185/135) 12-8-6 Toes to Bar – Rest 1:30 b/t Sets- (Score is Slowest Set) *1 SET = 2/12, 4/8, 6/6 then rest. All barbell reps should be performed unbroken…and only slightly heavier than the final loading in the Strength.
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Boulder CrossFit – CrossFit Push Jerk (Strength: 20 mins  6-4-2 | 4-3-2* Push Jerk *Start Moderate and build to Mod-Heavy. The second wave (4-3-2) should beheavier than the first (6-4-2). ) WOD (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps) AMRAP x 12 MINUTES 8 Shoulder to Overhead 155/105 10 Box Jumps Overs (24/20 12 Wall Balls (20/14)
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Boulder CrossFit – CrossFit Push Jerk (8-6-4 | 6-4-2* Push Jerks *Start Light and build to Mod+. The second wave (6-4-2) should be heavier than the first (8-6-4). (Score is Weight) Week2of5 Strength | Wave-Loading Cycle ) WOD (Weight) EMOM x 10 MINUTES* 1 Power Clean & Jerk + 2 Front Squats *Start Moderate and build every other set to a Heavy weight for the complex (5 different weights). Athlete is only allowed one lift attempt per 1:00 interval. Rest 2 MINS WOD (AMRAP – Reps) EMOMX10 MINS MIN 1: 10/8 Cal Row+max TTB with time remaining MIN 2: REST *score total REPS on TTB
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