
Sticky Post
Whether you are officially signed up for the CrossFit Open or still thinking about it, this post is for you. We will describe what to expect over our 3-week in-house competition. As always reach out to any coaches or Zach for clarification. CrossFit HQ will release the 1st workout on Thursday, Feb 29th. The next day, Friday, March 1st our 6am, 7:15am and 12pm will have class as normal and will do the Open WOD. However, we will NOT have any judges or scorecards during these classes. This means if you are registered and on a team, we HIGHLY recommend coming to Friday Night Lights for the next 3 weeks (bring your friends and family to come to hang out, watch, and cheer you on). If you can only make it in the morning or at 12pm, that is totally fine. We will still count your scores. Friday at 4:15pm...
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Sticky Post
Prior to owning Boulder CrossFit, I was a CrossFit member at 3 different gyms for over 8 years. As a member, I always believed the owner should absorb every cost of running their business and I should never have to pay more than I initially signed up for. For the last 4 years, I’ve done exactly that.  Since the ownership change in 2019, we’ve added over 15k in new equipment/inventory. We’ve built our coaching team to 7 and have been able to slowly grow our community. We did all of this even during the COVID shutdowns in 2020 and through it all have not once raised membership rates.  That being said, after careful consideration, my team and I have decided to raise all memberships by an additional $6/month effective Jan 1st, 2023. Please see below for some FAQ’s.  1: Why are you deciding to raise rates now?  Simply put, it’s...
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The intention behind this post is to make sure everyone who enters our gym in Boulder, understands and is on the same page with one another when it comes to gym etiquette. These simple rules will go a long way to making our gym the best in town so please be sure to refer to them if there’s any confusion. 1: Show up on time to class. This means if class starts at 5pm and you routinely stroll in around 5:05pm then you are late. Not only will you miss important introductions on the workout but you’re literally cutting yourself short. Our classes and coaches plan around a full 60 minutes and you should too. We understand work/life may happen every once in a while but if you do show up late every week, then please just wait until the next class to attend. 2: Wait till EVERYONE is finished...
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Several times a year we do strength cycles at our gym in Boulder. Normally we do them in the Winter, Fall, and Spring. We will be ending 2022 with a bang before the upcoming holidays. Please check your email with details on the dates/exact schedule for next month. At Boulder CrossFit, we follow a version of the Wendler Cycle. This cycle is based on 90% of your one rep max lift (also called your training max). When you see a 5×5 at 65% that number is based on 90% of your 1rm, not 100%. Yes, a little math is involved here. We follow this cycle because we want to keep the lifting simple, easy to follow, and effective. A strength cycle is only as good as the person following it. Not to say the Wendler cycle is the absolute best of them all but we follow it for those reasons....
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We’re finally in full swing into the Summer of 2022. It’s been 3 years since we’ve felt a somewhat normal summer experience as we learn to navigate the post-Covid era. People are back to traveling, businesses are open for events, and were doing social gatherings once again. Sounds great so you tell yourself you will pause your gym membership for several months and pick up right where you left off in the Fall. Until you don’t. Health and fitness aren’t seasonal. We need to take care of our bodies and minds 365 days of the year. Of course, we all need breaks and resets but to put your health on the backburner during busy months such as traveling, work, or social events, is doing more harm than good. Boulder CrossFit is open practically every day of the year in hopes you come in, have fun, get fit, and make it...
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