Boulder CrossFit – CrossFit Back Squat (Strength: 15 Min Clock (Including warmup) Back Squat 5×5 (all at 70% of 1rm) ) Clean my Burpees (5 Rounds for time) Every 2:00 complete the following Rd 1: 10 bar facing burpees 5 squat cleans 135/95/65 Rd 2: 10 bar facing burpees 4 Squat Cleans 155/105/75 Rd 3:...Read More
Boulder CrossFit – CrossFit Snatch (Strength: Strength: Every 1:30×6 rounds 3 Power Snatches (all at 80% of 1rm) Isabel-ish (Time) 30 Snatches 135/95/65 (should be done in fast singles) *every min starting at 0:00 STOP and do 5 pushups AND 5 Air Squats *20 min capRead More
Boulder CrossFit – CrossFit Active Recovery (No Measure) Skill: Rope Climbs (10 min progressions) WOD: 24 MIN EMOM MIN 1: 2 Rope Climbs MIN 2: 10 Bench Press 135/95/65 MIN 3: 12 Ball Slams 40/30 MIN 4: 15-25 Barbell Strict PressesRead More
Boulder CrossFit – CrossFit Unbroken-ish (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps) 12 MIN AMRAP 100 Double Unders (100 singles scaled) 15 Overhead Squats 95/65/55 15 TTB Overhead Squat (Strength: Every 1:30×6 rounds 4 Overhead squats with a 3-sec pause at the bottom (all at 65-70% of 1rm) )Read More
Boulder CrossFit – CrossFit The Lucky Trio (3 Rounds for reps) THREE 7 min AMRAPS (rest 2 mins b/w each one) 45/40 Cal Row 20 Box Jumps 24/20 *max DB Push Jerks with time remaining 50/35/25 *must switch arms every 5 reps 45/40 Cal Row 20 Box Jumps 24/20 *max hang power cleans with time...Read More
Boulder CrossFit – CrossFit Front Squat (Strength: Every 1:30×6 rounds 4 front squats with a 3-sec pause at the bottom (all at 65-70% of 1rm)) Is It Summer Yet (Time) For Time: 400m run 21 Thrusters 95/65/55 (should be unbroken or 2 quick sets) 15 Bar Facing Burpees 9 CTB Pullups 400m run 15 Thrusters...Read More
Boulder CrossFit – CrossFit Deadlift ( Strength: Deadlift+pushup combo 10 min EMOM 2 Deadlifts (all at 70% of 1rm directly into 2 pushups. Advanced athletes have option for 2 hand stand pushups) ) Ascending Ladder (Time) 20 CTB Pull-ups 30 Hand release push-ups 40 Cal Row 50 Wallballs 20/14 60 Deadlifts 135/95/65Read More
Boulder CrossFit – CrossFit Active Recovery (No Measure) Skill: Turkish Get-ups (10 min practice) W0D: “Active Recovery” Every 5:00minx5 rounds (25 total mins. NOT for time. Rest with time remaining in the 5 mins) 6 Turkish getups ( 3 per arm) 12 Cal Bike 18 DB Bent over rows *9 per arm 35/25 *25-50 Double...Read More