Warm Up 800m Run 10ish min of dynamic stretches on your own (athletes choice) WOD: 5 MIN AMRAP Buy in: 25 air squats into max reps of 9 power cleans (95/65/45) 6 barbell facing burpees REST 3 MINS 5 MIN AMRAP: Buy in: 25 air squats into max reps of 6 power cleans (135/95/65) 6 barbell facing burpees REST 3 MINS 5 MIN AMRAP Buy in: 25 air squats into max reps of 3 power cleans (165/115/95) 6 barbell facing burpees Minimal equipment version: Sub barbell for DB or KB No equipment version: sub barbell for odd object CASH OUT: TABATA: SITUPS
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Fight Gone Bad (BCF) (3 Rounds for reps) Warm up 12 MIN EMOM Min 1: :30 Squats Min 2: 15 shoulder taps Min 3: 5-10 downdog pushup Min 4: 10 leg kicks WOD: 3 rounds 1 Minute Wallballs (20/14/10) 1 Minute Sumo Deadlift High Pulls (75/55/45) 1 Minute Box Jumps (20) 1 Minute Push Press (75/55/45) 1 Minute Row Calories 1 Minute Rest Minimal Equipment: Sub Barbell Movt’s for KB or DB Sub Row for bent over rows either with DB or KB No Equipment: Sub Barbell movt’s for ODD OBJECT No cash out today
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Warm Up 3 min jump rope practice 3 rounds 10 leg kicks per side 5 lunges per side 10 pushups WOD: 5 rounds for time: 10 Jumping Lunges (each leg) 15 KB Swings 53/35/26 25 Double Unders or 50 singles 200m Run Cash out: Max unbroken Double unders! Minimal Equipment version: Sub KB for DB swings No Equipment Version: Sub jump rope for step ups
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Virtual 5k (Time) 5k Run for time! Warm-up 200m slow jog 10 leg kicks 10 calf streches 200m moderate pace 30 sec couch strech up against the wall 200m fast pace (your pace for the 5k) 30 sec hamstring stretch Cash out: Make your 3rd favorite drink!
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Warm up 3 rounds not for time: 200m Row or Run 10 Downdogs to pushups 10 leg kicks per leg 10 lunge to squat WOD: 20 MIN AMRAP 10 Box Jumps 24/20/16 10 OHWPL overhead walking plate lunges 45/35/25lbs 10 TTB 10 Ground to overhead with plate 10 squats with plate MINIMAL EQUIPMENT VERSION: Sub Plate for a 1 KB or DB NO EQUIPMENT VERSION: Sub plate for ODD OBJECT Cash out: TABATA side twists and plank holds
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