Warm up 12 mins of work 10 RDLS 10 lunge to squat 10 band pull aparts 10 band pass throughs WOD: Death by…. Thrusters Start at 0:00 do 1 Thruster (rest with remaining min) 1:00 Do 2 Thrusters (rest with remaining min) 2:00 Do 3 Thrusters *Continue to add 1 more Thruster every min until you can’t complete in a given min. When you finish, rest 3 Mins then Death by…Pullups Same format as above Score your total amount of Thrusters and Pullups combined Barbell 115/85/65lbs CASH OUT: attend mobility class at 12pm or stretch on your own! MINIMAL EQUIPMENT VERSION: Sub Barbell for 2 KB or DB’s (40/30/20lbs) NO EQUIPMENT VERSION: Sub Barbell for ODD OBJECT Sub Pullups for Bent over Rows
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Warm up 400m Run 12 MIN EMOM MIN 1: 10 Good mornings MIN 2: 10 Bent over rows MIN 3: 10 PVC presses MIN 4: 10 leg kicks WOD: For time: 800m Run directly into… 3 rounds 21 Deadlifts 15 Lat Burpees over barbell 9 Push Jerks Barbell: 135/95/65lbs MINIMAL EQUIPMENT VERSION: Sub barbell for KB or DB (40/30/20LBS) NO EQUIPMENT: Sub Barbell for ODD OBJECTS Cash out: 50 V-ups not for time
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Warm up Run 200m 3 min jump rope practice Then 3 rounds not for time: 10 squats 10 Russian KB swings 10 pass throughs WOD: For time: 50-40-30-20-10 Double unders HRPU hand release pushups directly into…. 5-10-15-20-25 KB swings 53/35/26 Wallballs 20/14/10 NO EQUIPMENT VERSION: Sub jump rope for box step ups Sub KB for DB swings Sub WB for Slamballs NO EQUIPMENT VERSION: Sub KB swings for odd object ground to overhead Sub WB for ODD OBJECT Thrusters CASH OUT: 50 ab mat situps not for time
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View Public Whiteboard Warm up 12 MIN EMOM MIN 1 30 sec jog in place MIN 2 5 V-UPs 5 jump squats 16 MIN AMRAP 10 Power Cleans (135/95/65) 10 Box Jump Overs (24/20/16) 10 TTB Minimal Equipment Version: Sub Barbell for 2 DBS (50/35/25lbs) Sub TTB for V-UPS No Equipment Version: Sub barbell for ODD OBJECT CASH OUT: Make your 2nd favorite drink!
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View Public Whiteboard Strict Press Build to a heavy single (must clean the bar off the ground) Warm up- 400m row or run 3 rounds 10 presses 10 shoulder taps 10 leg kicks 5 burpees For time: 21-18-15-12-9-6-3 reps of: Push Press (95/65/45) Barbell facing burpees 200m run after each round Minimal Equipment version: Sub barbell for 2 DBs or 2 KBS (35/25/15lbs) No Equipment Version: Sub Barbell for ODD OBJECT CASH OUT: Max overhead barbell hold
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