Join us this Wednesday for our Veterans Day WOD. Normal class schedule. Bring any friends/family members for free. AMRAP in 21 minutes400 meter Run21 Push-Ups21 Box Jumps (24/20 in)15 Burpees9 Pull-Ups This “21 Guns” WOD, designed for “WOD With Warriors,” as a functional fitness tribute workout held twice a year on Veterans and Memorial Day...Read More
Strength: On the 1:30 x 6 Sets: 3 Squat Cleans (I changed this to squat not power cleans) * You can climb in weight to something heavy for the day or stay at one challenging load across the board WOD: 15 MIN AMRAP: 15 Power Cleans (95/65/45) 30 Double Unders 15 Wallballs (20/14/10) 30 Double...Read More
Strength: Hang Power Clean (heavy set of 2) WOD: 5 MIN AMRAP Buy-In: 100 Double Unders 12 Power Cleans (115/85/65) 6 bar facing burpees Rest 2 Mins 5 MIN AMRAP : Buy-In: 100 Double Unders 8 Power Cleans (135/95/65) 6 bar facing burpees Rest 2 mins 5 MIN AMRAP Buy-In: 100 Double Unders 4 Power Cleans...Read More
Hi Everyone, I can’t believe we only have 2 months left of 2020. It has been quite the year, to say the least. As we finish up this year and look forward to the upcoming holidays, let’s all take a moment to be thankful for everything and everyone that we have. I am thankful for each and...Read More