Back Squat Build to a heavy set of 3 Warm up 3 rounds 10 lunges per leg 10 downdog pushup 10 squats 200m run 3 Rounds For Time: 50 Air Squats 35 Push-ups 25/18/12 Calorie Row NO EQUIPMENT or MINIMAL EQUIPMENT VERSION: Sub Row for 400m Run Cash out: TABATA- V-UPSRead More
Warm up: 800m row or 4ish mins of run 10 passthroughs 10 situps 10 pushups For time: 100 Alternating DB Clean and Jerks At each minute do 5 Ab Mat situps Equipment version: 1 DB 50/35/25lbs Minimal/No Equipment version: Use and ODD OBJECT in replace of DB CASH OUT: Make your favorite drink!Read More
Warm-up:10 mins at your own paceRun 1 min in place10 Lunge to Squat10 inchwork to pushups30 jumping jacks Workout:On the 4:00x 5 rounds15 Wallballs10 Back Squats5 barbell facing burpees *if you finish before 4 mins you rest with the remaining time*20 min total workout Equipment version:WB 20/14/10lbBack Squat Barbell 95/65/45lbs Minimal Equipment: Use a DB or...Read More
Boulder CrossFit – CrossFit Metcon (Time) Warm-up TABATA 1: Box or bench step-ups Passthroughs TABATA 2: Pushups Jog in place Workout: For time: Buy-in: 25 Box Jumps then 3 rounds 15 dips on a bench or box 20 DB bent over rows Cash-out: 25 Box Jumps Equipment version: 24/10/16in Box 50/35/25lb DB Minimal Equipment: Use a bench...Read More
start on the 0:00 mark 3 Rounds: 20 Jumping lungs 20 Single Arm Hang Dumbbell Snatches start on the 7:00 mark 3 rounds: 20 jumping lunges 20 Single Arm Dumbbell Power Cleans start on the 14:00 mark 3 rounds: 20 jumping lunges 20 Single Arm Dumbbell Thrusters *if you finish the 3 rounds before the...Read More