COACH CHOICE JUST SHOW UP *Boulder Rez Social 2-6pm. Open Invite!
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Strength: 13 mins work to a heavy complex Snatch+Overhead Squat Complex 1 complex is 1 Power Snatch + 1 OHS  WOD: For Time: 9-8-7: Power Snatches (115/85/65) Overhead Squats REST 1 MIN 6-5-4: Power Snatches (115/85/65) Overhead Squats REST 1 MIN 3-2-1: Power Snatches (115/85/65) Overhead Squats
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Strength: Shoulder Press 4 total sets (work up in weight, rest 1-2 mins between sets) 1 set is… 7 single-arm DB Arnold presses on a box. Click HERE to see it in action except we’re doing 1 DB and on a box. 7 single-arm DB bent over rows. *NOTE: On the presses and bent over rows, we want a 3-sec ascent up and then 1-sec descent down for a total of 7 reps per arm. *Leave 12-15 minutes to complete WOD: Four 3 min AMRAPS with a 1 min rest in between each one 15 Box Jump Overs 24/20/16 15 Russian KB Swings 70/53/25 *Max Pushups with time remaining *score is total pushups accumulated from all 4 AMRAPS.
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Skill: Bar Muscle Ups 13 MIN Progressions WOD: On the 5:00min x 4 Rounds: 400 Meter Run 7 Deadlifts 185/125/105 (should be unbroken) 50 Double Unders or 75 Singles 3 Muscle Ups or 3 Pullups to 3 dips *rest with the time remaining *Score is the SLOWEST of all 4 rounds
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WOD: *CASH-IN: 50 TTB 21-15-9: Row Calories Bike Calories 200 Meter Dumbbell Farmer’s Carry (50’s/35’s/25’S) or KBs if short on DBS 21-15-9: Row Calories Bike Calories 200 Meter Dumbbell Farmers Carry (50’s/35’s/25s) *CASH-OUT: 50 Pullups * Farmers carry weight should be done unbroken or only drop 1x max * Ladies machine calorie conversion = 15/12/9 teens do the same * Time Cap = 30:00
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