Strength: Cleans 12 MIM EMOM 1 Power Clean and 1 Squat Clean ALL at 80% of 1rm every min. on the min. *athlete should drop between each rep. NOT touch and go. WOD: For Time: 21-15-9-15-21 Push Jerks 115/80/65 Air SquatsRead More
WOD: On the 3:00 min x 7 Rounds: 35 Double Unders (35 singles scaled) 10 Toes to Bar 7 Deadlifts (185/135/125) *rest with the remaining time *score your slowest of all 7 rounds Cashout: 3 rounds NOT for time (leave 10ish minutes to finish) 1 min low plank hold 25 Russian twist with med ballRead More
Strength: Thrusters (off the rack) 10 min to find a heavy single WOD: 25 MIN AMRAP *Max Cal Bike Every 5:00min starting at 0:00 stop and do the following 7 burpee pullups 10 Thrusters 75/55 *score only the max cals on the BikeRead More
The last few months of every year, normally go a little something like this. Halloween rolls around and you tell yourself you’ve been super committed to your health and fitness the last 10 months, so why not just take a few extra days off from the gym next week? The problem with this is, that...Read More
Strength: Bench Press Work to a heavy single WOD For Time: 18-14-10-14-18 Goblet Squats 53/35/26 Cal Row Overhead Walking Plates Lunges (in place. total so 9 per leg on the 18) 45/25lbsRead More
Skill: Rope Climbs (10 min progressions) WOD: #1 “Death by Bike” Min 1: 3 cals Min 2: 6 cals Min 3: 9 cals …continue to add 3 cals every minute until you cant finish within the minute. WOD #2: 15 MIN EMOM MIN 1: 3 rope climbs (or 6 seated climbs with the white rope) MIN 2: 10...Read More
WOD: On A 30:00 MIN continuous clock Part 1: 13 MIN AMRAP 14 Pushups 12 DB Snatches (50/35/25) 10 Box Jumps 8 CTB Pullups Rest 5 mins then…In the remaining time 12 mins. Part 2: Find a 1rm Snatch (power or squat). Time stops when the clock hits 30 minsRead More