Strength: Clean Complex (spend 12 mins working to a heavy complex) 1 Clean grip Deadlift, 1 Clean High Pull, and 1 Power Clean WOD: 3 rounds for time: 400m Run 21 Hang Power Cleans 95/65/55 12 PullupsRead More
Part1: 1600m Row Wait till everyone is done then… Part 2: 2 rounds NOT for time: 12 DB Bench Press (choose a weight to go unbroken) 200m Farmers Carry (choose a weight to not put it down) 12 Single DB Devil Press switch every 6 repsRead More
Strength: Snatch Complex (spend 12 mins working to a heavy complex) 1 Snatch grip Deadlift, 1 Snatch High Pull, and 1 Power Snatch. WOD: 15-12-9 Power Snatches (95/65/55) HR Pushups Directly Into… 15-12-9 Overhead Squats (95/65/55) Bar-facing BurpeesRead More
WOD: PART 1: 15 MIN AMRAP 10 Deadlifts (225/155/125) 10 DB Push Jerks (switch arms every 5 reps) 50/35/25 1 need 1 DB 10/7/5 Calorie Assault Bike PART 2: Death by….Rope Climbs Scale down to seated rope climbs with rope over the rig but DOUBLE the reps so from 0:00-1:00 2 reps from 1:00-2:00 4...Read More
WOD: “Juneteenth” 6 rounds for time: 19 Box Jumps Overs (24/20/16) 18 Clusters (75/55#/45) 65 DUs or 65 singles ****June 19th,1865 date of emancipation of African AmericansRead More
Meet us at Centennial Middle School 9am. The Gym will NOT be open! Rayback Collective hang-out at 12ish Max Effort 1-Mile Run then a fun team WOD after!Read More
Skill: HSPU spend 10-15 mins on progressions WOD: 20 MIN EMOM MIN 1: 6 HSPU MIN 2: 50 Double Unders or 75 singles MIN 3: 10 Deadlifts (185/125/105) MIN 4: 200m RunRead More
PART 1 – 0:00-25:00 5 Rounds x 3min AMRAPS 25 Air Squats 10 Pullups 5 Burpees Max Squat Snatches with time remaining in the 3 mins (135/95/65) *Rest 2 Minutes Between Rounds * Score = number of Squat Snatches each round REPS *From 25:00-28:00 Recover PART 2:(28:00-33:00) 5:00 mins to build to a heavy 1 SQUAT...Read More
WOD: For time 500/400m/300m Row 21 Power Cleans (135/95/65) 21 Push Jerks (135/95/65) 500/400m Row 15 Power Cleans (135/95/65) 15 Push Jerks (135/95/65) 500/400m/300m Row 9 Power Cleans (135/95/65) 9 Push Jerks (135/95/65) CASHOUT: 3 rounds not for time (allow 10 mins to finish) 15 toe touches to rig lying down 30 bicyclesRead More