Strength: Strict Press 15:00 min clock to find a 1RM Suggested warm-up 10 at 50% 8 at 60% 6 at 70% 4 at 80% 2 at 85% 1 at 90% 1 at 95% 1 at 101% WOD: 10 rounds for time: 30 Double Unders (same amount on singles) 15 Ab Mat Situps 5 Barbell Bent...Read More
WOD: “1/2 Murph” 800m run 50 pull ups 100 push ups 150 air squats 800m run *start and end with the 800m run, but segment the pull ups, push ups and air squats as needed. If you have a 20# vest – wear it!Read More
Strength: Deadlift 20:00 min clock to find a 1RM Suggested warm-up 10 at 50% 8 at 60% 6 at 70% 4 at 80% 2 at 85% 1 at 90% 1 at 95% 1 at 101% WOD: 12 MIN AMRAP 12/10/8 Cal Bike 10 Deadlifts 225/155/105 8 Lateral Barbell Burpees 6 Box Jumps 30/24/20Read More
Strength: Back Squat 20:00 min clock to find a 1RM Suggested warm-up 10 at 50% 8 at 60% 6 at 70% 4 at 80% 2 at 85% 1 at 90% 1 at 95% 1 at 101% WOD: 3 Rounds For Time: 16 Alternating Box Step Ups with 1 DB (50/35/25) (24/20/16) *8 per leg 20 Wallballs...Read More
WOD: 400m Run 25 Pullups 50 Pushups 75 Air Squats 400m Run must go unpartitioned CASHOUT: 12 MIN EMOM MIN 1: 10 Box Jumps 24/20/16 MIN 2: 10 Leg Lifts holding a med ball behind your head to stabilize MIN 3: 20 Barbell Thrusters 45/35/25 MIN 4: 20 Barbell Overhead Squats 45/35/25Read More
Strength: Deadlift 10-minute clock Set 1: 5 at 40% Set 2: 5 at 50% Set 3: 5 at 60% (no + on any lifts this week) *Record the last set of 5 WOD: “Couplet” For Time: 21-18-15-12-9-6-3 reps of Deadlifts (Bodyweight) Wallballs 20/14/10Read More
5 MIN AMRAP : Buy-In: 500/400 Meter Row 30 Double Unders 5 Power Snatches (135/95/65) Rest 5 Minutes 5 MIN AMRAP Buy-In: 500/400 Meter Row 30 Double Unders 10 Power Snatches (95/65/55) Rest 5:00 5 MIN AMRAP Buy-In: 500/400 Meter Row 30 Double Unders 15 Power Snatches (75/55/45)Read More