Strength: Overhead Squat (off the rack) 13:00 min to work to a heavy single WOD: 4 MIN AMRAP 21 Overhead Squats (95/65/55) 21 Lateral Burpees Over Rower Max Calorie Row Rest 2 Minutes 4 MIN AMRAP : 18 Overhead Squats (115/85/65) 18 Lateral Burpees Over Rower Max Calorie Row Rest 2 Minutes 4 MIN AMRAP...Read More
Strength: Push Press (work to a heavy single from the ground in a 12:00 min window) WOD: Open 12.3 18-Minute AMRAP of: 15 Box Jumps, 24″ / 20″/16 12 Push press, 115# / 75#/ 65 9 Toes-To-BarRead More
Skill: Hand Stand Walks WOD: “Station Rotation” 45 sec at each station with a :15 sec transition Go through these 4 stations for 4 full rounds (16 min workout) Station 1: Max Bench Press (find a weight you can do unbroken large sets) Station 2: 15 Ab Mat Situps Station 3: Hand Stand Holds Station 4: Max...Read More
Strength: Work to a heavy hang squat clean (12:00 min window) WOD: For Time: 2 Rounds: 15 Front Squats (95/65/55) 25 Double Unders or 25 singles 400m run 2 Rounds: 12 Thrusters (95/65/55) 25 Double Unders or 25 singles 400m run 2 Rounds: 9 Hang Squat Clean Thrusters (95/65/55) 25 Double Unders or 25 singlesRead More
WOD: 5 MIN AMRAP : Buy-In: 25/20/15 Calorie Assault Bike Max Rounds With Time Remaining: 12 Deadlifts (225/155/105) 12 Barbell Facing Burpees Rest 5 Minutes 5 MIN AMRAP : Buy-In: 25/20/15 Calorie Assault Bike Max Rounds With Time Remaining: 8 Deadlifts (275/185/135) 8 Barbell Facing Burpees Rest 5 Minutes 5 MIN AMRAP : Buy-In: 25/20/15...Read More
Strength: Back Squat Every 2 Minutes x 6 Sets: 3-3-3-2-2-1 * The goal here is to build in weight with each set, working to a heavy single WOD: 14 MIN AMRAP 10 Single Arm Devil Presses (50/35/25) 10 Single Dumbbell Box Step-ups (50/35) (24″/20″) 10 CTB Pull-upsRead More
-First Zoom chat March 2020- As I sit here and write this, its been almost 1 year to the day since our lives, what seemed like overnight, were drastically changed. I’ll never forget that Monday in March 2020, where I stayed up all night thinking and organizing a gameplan for Boulder CrossFit on how we...Read More
Strength: Snatch (power or squat) *work to a heavy single in a 20:00 min window WOD: AMRAP 7 minutes 10 power snatches 3 bar muscle-ups Men use 75 lb. Women use 55 lb. *scaled version for MU will be 5 CTB Pullups CASHOUT: TABATA work *athletes choiceRead More