Boulder CrossFit – CrossFit Metcon (No Measure) Skill: KB Snatches (10 min practice) WOD: “Active Recovery” 24 MIN EMOM MIN 1: 12 Deadlifts MIN 2: 12 Bar-facing burpees MIN 3: 12 KB Snatches (switch every 6 reps) MIN 4: 12 HSPU MIN 5: 12 Pullups MIN 6: 200m run *if you fail to hit 12...Read More
Hi Everyone, We’re super excited for a fun upcoming summer with you all. Please take a few minutes to read our news and events for the month. Monday, July 4th: Independence Day WOD 9am Please note we will have our regular Saturday, 9am class on July 2nd, be CLOSED on Sunday, July 3rd, and open for...Read More
Boulder CrossFit – CrossFit Metcon (AMRAP – Reps) “The Sixes” 6 MIN AMRAP Buy-in: 400m run Max REPS with time remaining 10 Pullups 10 DB Push Jerks (switch arms every 5 reps) 50/35/25 3 MIN REST 6 MIN AMRAP Buy-in: 400m run Max REPS with time remaining 10 TTB 10 Pushups 3 MIN REST Buy-in:...Read More
Boulder CrossFit – CrossFit Deadlift Metcon (Time) WOD: “The Classics” For Time: 21-15-9-9-15-21 Deadlifts 185/125/105 (moderate weight) Lateral Barbell Burpees *20 min time capRead More
Boulder CrossFit – CrossFit Metcon (No Measure) Skill: Hand-Stand Pushups (10 min progressions) 5 rounds NOT for time (25 mins to complete) 10 Bench Press 115/85/65 5 HSPU (or 1 min practice) 25 Air Squats 25 AB Mat Situps *rest 1-2 min b/w each round*start in any order you wantRead More
Boulder CrossFit – CrossFit Metcon (Time) Part 1: 10 Rounds For Time: 200m run 10 Hang Power Cleans 115/85/65 (light to do unbroken or 2 quick sets) 10 Pushups Part 2: If time permits establish a heavy Hang Power Clean in the renaming 30 mins. Hang Power CleanRead More